UX Designer/Researcher Crafting Unique Experiences



Humana CRM Service

October 2022-March 2023

Client and Project Overview:

Humana, the nations third largest health insurance provider, with a ranking of 41 on the Fortune 500 list in 2021; sought to transition its CRM service platform from the classic version to the Salesforce Lightning version. As one of two designers working across four different project teams, I played a pivotal role in this initiative. My responsibilities included creating a seamless and consistent user experience while adhering to both Salesforce Lightning and Humana UI standards, and enhancing the overall UX maturity within the company.

Design Problem:

The existing CRM service platform at Humana was based on a classic design, which posed challenges in terms of outdated UI, lack of consistency, and limited scalability that all led to a clunky user experience. The transition to the Salesforce Lightning version required a complete overhaul of the platform's design, including disconnected design changes brought to me by product owners. The design challenge was to ensure a smooth migration while maintaining design standards, addressing user needs and constraints, and satisfying business requirements.

My Role

As one of only two designers working across four project teams, I was responsible for a significant portion of the design work. I led the design efforts, collaborating closely with product owners, product managers, and developers. I not only executed design changes but also provided vital strategic input, argued for best practices, and ensured consistency in the design system being used. I also contributed to the company's design library, making the design system more robust by adding new components, thereby allowing future designers to work more efficiently.


Payment Flow

For this design task, I was required to prototype the user flow of how a Humana Internal Agent would go about adding a new form of payment for a plan member. In order to create this prototype that effectively communicated the s process the Humana Agent would go through I had to work closely with my product owners to understand the user flow and then leverage my ability in Figma to prototype the flow.

To illustrate my work I have included screenshots of screens below that showcase the design changes I made, with annotated explanations highlighting improvements made to user flow and navigation of the CRM Service Platform.

Payment Flow


Procedure Code Search

Making sure that the procedure code screen is up to UI SD Lightning standards. Created a completely novel screen to use in the Lightning CRM Service that improves upon the old procedure screen design by optimizing the users ability to use any required filters and search through and find the necessary items through a procedure code search. The procedure code screen designed by me here allows the user far more affordability and for this reason is the current design in use in the CRM Service.

Interaction Panel

In redesigning the CRM Service Platform, a non-obtrusive panel was crafted for Humana agents to log call interactions. Through collaborative user flow analysis with Product Owners, multiple designs were proposed, optimizing screen real estate. The chosen design ensures vital information remains visible, providing an efficient and elegant solution.

Process History Screen

The highlighted section shows the visualizations designed by me in the screen

For this feature, the design ask required a Process History Panel to be created wherein the user can see all of the procedure changes being made to a specific members policy. The design required that a clear process timeline be visualized for the user to see all of the changes and for an alert icon to be created that would effectively communicate that there is an alert that needs to be addressed by the user. After speaking with the stakeholders to understand what the design problem was I was able to visualize a panel in the screen that clearly displayed a timeline of chronological changes and in addition to this I created several different alert types in order to see which would be most effective for the user and grab their attention.


Secure Payment Screen

For this design ask a way for the Humana Agent to be able to pay for their members billing items within a table containing their billing information had to be created. Users had to be able to click on the button in question which would then trigger a popup from which they could then pay for the billing items. Initially business had deemed it appropriate to use radio buttons to trigger this. I, however advocated for a more user-centered solution that made far more sense for a better and more comprehensive user experience which was to use some kind of button. As a result this is what I proposed to the pertinent stakeholders. However I needed to consult the Humana UI Standards as well as the Salesforce Standards before presenting this to all the relevant parties. Upon further study I arrived at using a linked Text within the table that met both the Humana and Salesforces standards which business was happy to accept. In this way I was able to ensure I was remaining consistent with both Humana and Salesforce Lightning Design Standards while enhancing the user experience.


The design changes implemented in the CRM Service Platform have had a significant impact on the usability and efficiency of the application. The improved user flow and navigation made it easier for internal Humana agents to navigate the internal application and ultimately provide better customer service. The changes have also contributed to a more robust design system for future designers working on the platform, guaranteeing consistency. My efforts in arguing for best practices and organizing design files were well-received by stakeholders and contributions in enhancing the overall UX maturity within the company were also significant. The iterative design approach, wireframes, and prototypes used in the process helped in visually showcasing the design changes made, ensuring scalability of the platform.


There were some limitations and constraints of the project, such as the absence of user testing due to the project's focus on migration. To address and overcome these challenges, I relied on my knowledge of user-centered design principles and heuristics.


In conclusion, my role as one of two designers working across four project teams in Humana's CRM service platform transition project was instrumental in ensuring a smooth migration from the classic version to the Salesforce Lightning version. I applied best practices, followed an iterative design approach, and incorporated important design heuristics . Although no user testing was conducted, the design process allowed me to identify and address design problems, and ultimately resulted in a successful transition from the Classic to the Sales Force Lightning version of the platform.