UX Designer/Researcher Crafting Unique Experiences



Ipad Series


Out of about 21,000 comments for the iPad and iPad Air, these are the insights and trends that emerged.


Overall Sentiment


Running the analysis we’re able to see that out of about 78,000 comments about 80% of them are positive and the rest are negative implying a general positive public opinion about the product.


Term Frequency


The most interesting words that come up here are relating to the iPads are video, love and references to the looks of the device.


Top 30 words mentioned in 4,375 negative comments relating to iPad Air 4th Gen and iPad.

This piece of information was particularly interesting because we see references to the pencil, screen, and storage options come up here indicating potential opportunities for Apple to work on for the iPad line.


Inverse Documentation Frequency

This gave us insights into the the Keywords that come across both documents. Once I ran this algorithm I sorted them into 2 lists for most frequently occurring in Positive or Negative.


The positive list doesn’t offer much in terms of insights besides words that describe the quality of the device. Its really ‘cool’ and ‘pretty’

The negative list provides some really key insights on what people don’t like. People are talking about the screen quality, especially a lack of 120hz display. Also the lack of Face ID, and replacement with Touch ID is not well received from the community.

These are key insights that should be focused on and improved within the next iteration of this device.